Art Deco Signed

Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign

Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign
Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign
Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign
Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign
Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign
Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign

Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign    Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign
Height / height: 45 cm / 17.72 in width / width: 15 cm / 5.91 in diameter / diameter: 15 cm / 5.91 in weight / weight: 4.45 kg / 9811 lbs ## 2203. We focus our efforts in the search of objects of art and amazing high quality limited edition.

We serve a very demanding clientele, including collectors, architects, promotion and marketing groups, landscape architects, galleries, schools, charities, municipalities, restaurants, professional decorators and many more still. Our ornaments can decorate the homes of the living room to the garden as well as offices. These demanding customers expect from us our best deals. Our major research focuses on themes; acrobat, Ali Baba, Alsatian, amalthea, Amphitrite, Angel, Apollo, archer, harlequin, athlete, Bacchus, bather, bar, boat, bathing beauty, baby, jewelry box, box tobacco, butcher, candle holder, bottle, bust, cain, ashtray, center table, mushroom, candlestick, hi, charlie chaplin, knight, chocolate, clown, columbine, fighter, cut fruit cup, jug, cook, cook, dancer, dancing naked, half dolls, girl, naked lady, trivet, devil, diane huntress, discus thrower, schoolboy, schoolgirl, plaid, inkstand, elf, ink, baby, fencing, fairy nude woman, farmer, festive, figurine, girl, girl, flamenco, flower, fountain , football, soccer, smith, coach, fruit, boy, geisha, gentleman, gladiator, golf, golfer, golfer, groom, half doll pin cushions, pincushion, Dutch, naked, oil, Icarus, drunkenness, gardener, jockey, the kitchen, big gulp, justice, harvest, birth, the sower, the Victoir e, the vineyard, the garden, the thinker, the awakening, enlightenment, the star shooting, egg, magnifying loupe, pixie, sick, stick, makeup. Animals are also the focus of our research; eagle, egret, animals and hunting animals, farm, pet animals, wild animals, spider, ostrich, bambi, borzoi, basset, ram, sheep, deer, goat, bulldog, boxer, pike, bull terrier, harrier, cockatoos duck, caribou, deer, whale, camel, cat, horse, goat, dog, dog nasty, puppy, owl, ladybug, pig, cocker hummingbird necklace, dove, cock, cougar, crab, crocodile, shellfish, swan, dolphin, dragon, camel, elephant, snail, Etruscan, pheasant, fawn, hawk, warbler, fox terrier, giraffe, frog, cheetah, heron, owl, hippopotamus, swallow, lobster, horus, insects, jaguar, labrador, rabbit, leopard greyhound lizard dragonfly, hare, lion, lioness, wolf, mammal, marabou, martin sinner, goose, bird, bird of prey, bear, panther, peacock, butterfly, perch, parrot, pigeon, penguin, fish, foal, fox, rhinoceros, wild boar, snake, setter, monkey, bull, tiger, turtle, toucan, cow, calf, because collectionneu rs are fond.

We are constantly in search of objects style; Animal Style, style art & craft, art deco, art nouveau, baroque style, Chippendale style cubist style, empire style, Gothic style louis xv style louis xvi, modern, neoclassical, queen style anne style regency, rococo, romantic style, style simms sims, traditional, Victorian, vintage style, advertising style, masonic style, sexy style, erotic style, bare collector style style nude mythological style, authentic style, made artwork style hand. The sculptors that we find in our collections are: altdorp, antónio Teixeira Lopes, Barbella, baste, Bernini, beryman, bojiee, botero, bouvraine, bruno zack, Burnett, Canova, carrier, carvin, Kassel, cavana, cegaro, cenzl, cesari , cesaro, Chiparus, claude, clodion, Coenrad, colinet, Comolera, Coysevox of coux, beginning, DELABRIERRE, desmeure, drouot, ernst barriaz, Fagel, Félix charpentier, francois, fratin, Frishmuth, gardet, Gennarelli, giambologna, godard, Gorini, gossin, gregoire, guillemin, guiraud river, hagays, hos mia, isabelle, joan barye, Johann nepomuk geiger juan carla, jules playing, Julian, Juno, kowamczewski, kuchler, lafon mollo, station, Laporte, laurel, the conneti , leonard, leroux, louie, loys potet, Luelo, Marbeck, martin van Maële, mayer, maziere, leads, Michelangello, milo, even leon bertaux, Moigniez, morante, Moreau, myron, nick, Noee, otto poerttzel, patoue, paul April paul ponsard, Pautrot, breuer peter, peter fendi, Petre, philippe, Philips, stone c OLLINET stone jules mene, stone FAGUAYS, pitta luga, flat, potter, preifs, rauch, rige, Rodin, rombaut, rubin, schmidt felling, stoly, Szczeblewski, Thorburn, titze tony noel, Valton, Weinman, zheng. Rust, duane Bryers, earl moran, Earle k. Bergey Edward Runci, Enoch Bolles, fritz Willis, Gene Bilbrew, George Petty, Georges Léonnec, gil elvgren, Gino Boccasile, Haddon Sundblom, Harry ekman, Henry Clive John Gabriel domergue, Joyce Ballantyne, Julie Newmar, Károly Józsa, Knute munson k. Lili St-Cyr, Louis marchetti, Lynn Bari, margaret brundage, Martha Vickers, maurice seed, paul rader, pearl Frush stone Lawrence brenot, raphael kirchner, Reginald heade, reborn curd, robert Skemp, roger woods, Rolf Armstrong, rudolph Belarski, ruskin russ williams, ruth deckard, suzanne miller, t. Thompson ted withers, Vaughan Alden Bass, walter Baumhofer, zoë mozert, are decisive in our choice. We find in our collections of famous models like; andrà dienes, Anita Ekberg, Anne Baxter, august belloc, ava gardner, betty, Betty Grable, Carole Landis, christy girl deanna durbin, diana sleep, gave reed, Dorothy Lamour, Dorothy Malone, Dusty Anderson, Elizabeth Montgomery, esther williams, tierney gene, gibson girl, gloria DeHaven, hedy lamarr, jane russell, jayne Mansfield, jeanne crain, jessica rabbit, jules Chéret, lana Turner, lauren bacall linda darnell, lucille ball, daisy Chapman, marilyn monroe, pinup fiction, rita hayworth, sally jupiter, susan Hayward, tom Kelley, veronica lake, virginia mayo, vivian blaine, yvonne carlo. Demanding customers expect from us our best deals. English we are concentrating our efforts in the search for high quality and astonishing art objects in limited edition. We serve a very demanding customer, Including collectors, architects, promoting and marketing groups, landscape architects, schools, charities, Municipalities, professional decorators and many more. Our decorative objects can decorate the houses of the living room in the garden as well as the offices. These demanding customers expect our best offers from us. The main things we are looking for are; Solid bronze was mounted base of natural stone or black marble, copper, cast iron, steel, porcelain, ceramic, enamels, cracked, slip, pottery, terracotta in perfect condition to offer as a gift. Our major research Focuses on the themes; acrobat, alsatian, amalthea, apollo, harlequin, bather, boat, baby, jewelry box, tobacco box, butcher, candle holder, bottle, bust, ashtray, table center, mushroom, candlestick, knight, columbine, fruit bowl, cup, jug , Cook, nude dancer, damsel, naked lady, under-plate, devil, diane Huntress, schoolboy, schoolgirl, scottish, clip board, ink, child, fencing, farmer, party girl, flower, fountain, soccer, blacksmith, Fruitman , boy, gladiator, golfer, pin cushions, dutch, naked man, oil, icarus, drunkenness, gardener, kitchen, big sip, harvest, birth, victory, vine, garden, thinker, awakening, shooting star, the egg, magnifying glass , goblin, sick, sleeve, makeup.

Animals sont également at the center of our research; eagle, egret, animal and hunting animals, farm animals, domestic animals, wild animals, spider, ostrich, ram, shepherd, doe, goat, bulldog, pike, harrier, cockatoo, duck, cetacean, camel, cat, horse, dog, nasty dog, puppy, ladybug, pig, hummingbird, necklace, dove, rooster, crab, crustacean, swan, dolphin, elephant, snail, etruscan, pheasant, warbler, giraffe, frog, owl, hippo, swallow, lobster, falcon, insects , rabbit, leopard, lizard, dragonfly, hare, lioness, wolf, mammal, martin sinner, goose, bird, bird of prey, bear, peacock, butterfly, perch, parrot, penguin, fish, foal, wild boar, snake, monkey , bull, tiger, tortoise, cow, calf, Because collectors are bottom of it. Constantly we are looking for style objects; animal style, art & craft style, deco art style, new art style, Baroque style, Chippendale style cubist style, empire style, gothic style, louis xv style louis xvi style, modern style, neoclassic style queen anne style regency style rococo romantic style simms sims style, traditional style, victorian style, vintage style, advertising style, masonic style, sexy style, erotic style collector style nude nude style and mythological style, authentic style, handmade style artwork. The sculptors we find in our collections thesis demanding customers expect us to be our best offer. Italian stiamo concentrando i nella ricerca di Sforzi nostri oggetti d'arte e di alta qualità sorprendenti in edizione limitata.

I nostri oggetti decorativi possono decorare the box dei viventi nel giardino così come gli uffici. Questi clienti esigenti if aspettano the nostre migliori offered da noi. Le cose che principali stiamo cercando sound; bronzo massiccio montato su una base di Pietra naturale o marmo nero, ream, ghisa, Stainless, metallo, porcellana, ceramica, smalti, incrinato, biscotto, ceramiche, terracotta in perfette condizioni da offrire come regalo. Gli animali sono anche al centro della nostra ricerca; Aquila, animali da caccia animali da fattoria, animali domestici, animali selvatici, Ragno, struzzo, Pastore, Capra, cacatua, anatra, Caribù, Cervo, cetaceo, Gatto, Cavallo, cane, cane nasty, cucciolo, Coccinella, maiale, colibrì , collana, colomba, Gallo, puma, granchio, coccodrillo, crostaceo, cigno, dolphin, drago, cammello, elephant, lumaca, fagiano, fulvo, falco, padovana, giraffa, ghepardo, airone, gufo, ippopotamo, rondine, aragosta, insetti , giaguaro, coniglio, leopard, levriero, lucertola, libellula, leprosy, Leone, leonessa, lupo, mammifero, martin peccatore, oca, uccello, raptor, orso, cat, pavone, butterfly, persico, pappagallo, piccione, pinguino, pesce, puledro, volpe, rhino, cinghiale, winds, split, toro, tartaruga, tucano, mucca, vitello perched animal stile stile arte e artigianato, stile art deco stile art nouveau stile barocco, stile Chippendale, stile cubista, stile impero , gotico stile, stile luigi xv, xvi luigi stile, stile moderno, stile neoclass ico, queen stile year, stile regency, stile rococò, romantic stile, sims stile Simms, stile tradizionale, stile vittoriano, stile vintage stile pubblicitario, stile massonico, stile sexy stile erotico, stile collezionista stile nudo e nudo stile mythological, stile autentico, opere d'arte in stile handmade. Gli Scultori che nelle nostre troviamo collezioni sound.

Creatori come noi come al buell disegnatore per la rivista Esquire, collezionisti, gruppi di promozione e Marketing, architetti del paesaggio, gallery, scuole, enti di beneficenza, comuni, ristoranti e Decoratori professionali e altri molti. Spanish estamos concentrando nuestros esfuerzos in the búsqueda de arte asombrosos objetos y alta calidad in edición limitada. Nuestros objetos decorative pueden adornar las casas de la vida en el jardin así como las oficinas.

Estos clients demanding esperan nuestras mejores ofertas de nosotros. Las cosas main estamos buscando that sound; el bronce sólido Montó en una base la piedra natural o del mármol Negro, arrabio, Acero, porcelana to cerámica, enamels, agrietado, Resbalón, galleta, cerámica, terracotta in the condición perfecta para ofrecer como regalo.

Nuestra main investigación is centra en los temas; acróbata, alsaciano, Amaltea apolo, archero, arlequín, Baco, Bañista Barco baño belleza, caja de joyería, caja del tabaco, carnicero, sostenedor Vela, botella, cenicero, centro tabla seta, candelero, chocolate, payaso , columbina, combatiente, tazón fuente de fruta, taza, jarro, cocinero, dancer, dancer desnudo, mitad-muñecas, damisela, Segnora desnuda, debajo of placa, diablo diana cazadora, Discobolo, Colegial, colegiala, escocés, tablero del clip rang, niño, cercando, hada ,, granjero, partido, statuette, muchacha, flor, fuente, fútbol, ​​balompié, Herrero, frutal, muchacho, caballero, gladiador, novio, medio perno of cojines muñeca, alfiletero, holandés , hombre desnudo, petróleo, intoxication, jardinero, cocina, justicia, cosecha, nacimiento, el Sembrador victoria vid, thinker, star fugaz, el huevo, lupa de aumento, duende, enfermo, manga, maquillaje. Los animal también están en el centro de investigación nuestra; águila, garceta, animal animal y Caza, animal of Granja, animal domésticos, animal salvajes, araña, ostrich, borzoi, Cacatua, CARIBU, ciervo, cetáceo, camel, gato, caballo, reared, perro, perro desagradable, puppy, owl , mariquita, cerdo, spaniel, colibrí, collar, cangrejo, crocodile, crustáceo, dolphin, dragon, pheasant, leonado, hawk, curruca, zorro, giraffe, rana, cheetah, buho, swallow, langosta, insectos, conejo, galgo, lizard , Liebres, Leon, Leona, lobo, mamífero, morabito, martin pecador, ganso, ave, ave of rapiña, oso, pavo real, mariposa, perca, loro, dove, pingüino, pez, colt, wild boar, serpiente, mono, tortuga , toucan, vaca, becerro, porque los Coleccionistas les gusta. Estamos buscando constantemente objetos de estilo; estilo animal estilo del arte del arte y, estilo del art deco, estilo del new del arte, estilo barroco, estilo Chippendale, estilo cubista, estilo del Imperio, estilo gótico, estilo louis xv estilo louis xvi estilo neoclásico, estilo de la reina ana, estilo of the regency, estilo rococo, estilo romántico, estilo de Simms sims, estilo tradicional, estilo victoriano, estilo vintage estilo publicitario, estilo masónico, sexy estilo, estilo erotic, estilo coleccionista estilo desnudo y estilo mythological desnudo, estilo auténtico, obras de arte de estilo artesanal. German Konzentrieren wir uns auf die suche nach und erstaunlichen qualitativ hochwertigen kunstgegenständen in Limitierter auflage. Unsere dekorativen Gegenstände können die häuser lebenden der im garten sowie die Büros verzieren. Diese anspruchsvollen kunden erwarten von uns unsere besten angebote.

Wir sind auf der suche nach ständig stilobjekten; tierstil, art & craft-stil, art-deco-stil, Jugendstil, Barockstil, Chippendale stil, stil im empire stil, gothic stil, louis xv stil, louis xvi stil, moderner stil, neoklassischer stil, queen anne stil, regency stil, rokoko stil, romantischer stil, simms stil sims, traditioneller stil, viktorianischen stil, vintage-stil, werbe-stil, masonic stil, sexy stil, erotischen stil, sammler-stil nude-stil und nude mythologischen stil, authentischen stil, handgemachten stil kunstwerk . Bildhauer Die, die wir unseren in sammlungen finden, ist: wir eine sehr servieren anspruchsvolle Kundschaft, einschließlich sammler, architekten, promoting und Marketing-gruppen, landschaftsarchitekten, galerien, schulen, wohltätigkeitsorganisationen, Gemeinden, restaurants und professional dekorateure und vieles mehr. Portuguese estamos concentrando nossos esforços na busca de arte objetos surpreendentes e alta qualidade em edição limitada.

Nossos objetos decorative podem decorar as casas back vivos no jardim, bem como os Escritórios. Estes clients demanding esperam Nossas melhores ofertas de nós. A main nossa pesquisa incide sobre os temas, da ALSACIA, banhista, banho beleza, caixa Joia, caixa do tabaco, Carniceiro, suporte Vela, frasco, bust, caim, Cinzeiro, centro tabela, cogumelo, castiçal ,, cavaleiro, palhaço, lutador, bacia fruta, copo, Romeo and Juliet, cozinhe, Dançarino naked meia-bonecas, Donzela, senile nua, sub-plate, diabo, diane Caçadora, descobole, estudante, escocés, clip board, elf, criança, esgrima, fada ,, agricultor, menina, futebol, ferreiro, homem da fruta, menino, Gueixa, cavalheiro, gladiador, jogador Gulf, noivo, meio pino da boneca almofadas, alfineteiro, homem despido, óleo, Jardineiro, Jóquei, cozinha, gole large, justiça, colheita, nascimento, vitória, Videira, jardim, despertar, estrela cadente, oovo, lupa, doente, maquilhagem. Os animais também estão no centro de nossa pesquisa; Águia, garça, animal e animais of caça, animais fazenda, animais domésticos, animais Selvagens, aranha, carneiro, pastor, pugilista, spades, pato, Caribu, veado, cetaceans, camelo, cavalo, cao, cao desagradável, filhote of puppy , joaninha, porco, colar, pomba, galo, caranguejo, crocodilo, swan, golfinho, dragão, camelo, snail, etrusco, faisão, fawn, Rouxinol, raposa, RA, chita, garça-real, coruja, hipopótamo, andorinha, lagosta , falcão, insetos, Coelho, libélula, lebre, leão, leoa, mamífero ,, pássaro, ave of rapina, urso, pavão, borboleta, Poleiro, papagaio, pombo, pinguim, peixe, javali cobra macaco, touro, tucano, bezerro, porque dele colecionadores Gostam.

Estamos constantemente to procured from objetos de estilo; estilo animal estilo art & craft, estilo art deco, estilo art nouveau estilo stripper, estilo império, estilo Luís xv estilo luís xvi estilo moderno, estilo NEOCLASSICO, queen estilo year, estilo Regencia estilo Rococo, estilo romântico, estilo do victorian, do estilo vintage anunciando estilo, estilo maçônico, sexy estilo, estilo do nude coletor e estilo estilo mythological nude, estilo Autêntico, arte-end handmade do estilo. Bones escultores that encontramos em Nossas Coleções: são decisivos nas Nossas Escolhas. Encontramos em Nossas Coleções modelos famosos como; atendemos uma muito clientela demanding, incluindo coleccionadores, arquitectos, Gruppen von Promoção e Marketing, arquitectos paisagistas, Galerias, escolas, instituições of caridade, municípios, restaurants Decoradores profissionais e e muitos but. Estes clients demanding that esperam sejamos melhores bones.

The item \The seller is \This article can be shipped worldwide.
  1. Type: statue sculpture <\/ li>
  2. theme themis justice <\/ li>
  3. style art deco style art nouveau style <\/ li>
  4. material: solid bronze <\/ li>
  5. Status: Second Hand <\/ li>
  6. measures: top: 45 cm x width: 15 cm diam x 15 cm <\/ li>
  7. Weight: 4.45 kg <\/ li>
  8. dimension (cm): 31 to 50 <\/ li>
  9. Features: sign <\/ li>
  10. Entries: signing milo <\/ li>
  11. Period: XXth contemporary <\/ li>
  12. Status: in very good condition <\/ li>
  13. use: decorative <\/ li>
  14. Authenticity Unknown <\/ li> <\/ Ul>
    Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign    Statue Sculpture Justice Themis Art Deco Style Bronze Massive Sign